kimo progrms
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 شبكات سيسكو خطوة خطوة - دروس فيديو

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

المساهمات : 72
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/08/2008

شبكات سيسكو خطوة خطوة - دروس فيديو Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شبكات سيسكو خطوة خطوة - دروس فيديو   شبكات سيسكو خطوة خطوة - دروس فيديو Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 13, 2008 9:41 am

Trainsignal CISCO-ONT (new-Sep'07) | 315 MB

8+ hours of Instructor Led Video Training
Practice 642-845 ONT Optimizing Converged Cisco Networks Exam Questions
Your Instructor, Chris Bryant, Will Walk You Through Setting Up a Cisco Network Step-by-Step.
This Course Will Help You Pass Your ONT Exam On Your Way To Earning the Valuable CCNP Certification

Here are just SOME of the Topics we Cover in our
Cisco ONT Training Videos:

* Find out what QoS is, how important is and Why we use it.
* Understand QoS Policy and Models?
* Discover the key differences between Best-effort, DiffServ and IntServ.
* Go way beyond a basic understanding of queueing methods such as FIFO, PQ, WFQ, CBWFQ, WRR, and many more ... get to know them inside and out!
* Find out what Marking Traffic really means including why and where to mark traffic and how to define trust boundaries.
* Understand the differences between traffic policing and traffic shaping and how to use them.
* Know the limitations of Tail Drop and recognize differences between RED and WRED.
* Dig beneath the surface of end-to-end QoS and Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
* Find out how to configure and verify AutoQoS manually as well as using AutoQoS Wizard.
* Master All details of Wireless LANs and QoS on WLANs.
* Fully grasp WLAN security issues and how to minimize the security threat and risks.
* Get comfortable with WLAN Management Techniques, Cisco Wireless Control System and Wireless LAN Solution Engine.
* Master Voice over IP (VoIP) and understand differences between Analog and Digital Interfaces.
* Easily detect and overcome overhead and compression issues in VoIP, bandwidth considerations, and much more.



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شبكات سيسكو خطوة خطوة - دروس فيديو
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